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business success blog

Administrative and creative articles for every business or speaker. Learn what works and what doesn't for capturing clients and building lasting relationships online and in-person. 

5 Best Ways to Use Holiday Downtime

Although there’s plenty going on during the holidays—work parties, family gatherings, holiday shopping, baking—the work front slows down...

Gratitude is Good For You

Gratitude is a feeling of thankfulness or appreciation towards something or someone specific. It is being thankful for what you have...

10 Types of Articles People Love to Share

Running a blog profitably can be a challenge if you do not know the kind of articles that your readers find interesting. The secret to...

History of Public Speaking

There never has been a time in the history of the world when the spoken word has been equaled in value and importance by any other means...

7 Reasons to Take Time Off from Work

Guest post by Sabina Lohr Hopefully, you love what you do for a living. Loving your job, especially when you work for yourself from home,...

10 Ways to Be Productive in the Summer

During the dog days between Memorial Day and Labor Day, most of us become accustomed to the inevitable summer slow-down. Key people...

5 Tips for Writing Great Content

Whether you are a blogger or a freelance writer, there is a need to create high-quality content in order for it be to read. Poorly...

It’s Not Just PowerPoint

PowerPoint is not the only method of presenting a topic, there are other tools that can also be used

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