johnmhardy2018Jan 166 min readWhat Are Business Goals? Examples, Types, and Their ImportanceMany people can clearly understand the concept of goals. Most have financial, relational, and lifestyle goals that are set during a time...
Christine MyersMar 21, 20242 min readThe Three F’s that Help Define Your Unique Business Success If trying to define your unique idea of business success feels overwhelming, try focusing on the three F’s- Freedom, Finances, and the...
Guest Blog by Deana DeBaraMay 25, 20236 min readHow to support your mental health as a Small Business ownerOwning a business can bring you freedom, flexibility, and higher income potential. But it can also be stressful and challenging. Those...
johnmhardy2018Jun 23, 20223 min read8 Marketing Strategies To Boost Your Business During The Summer MonthsWritten by Claire Prendergast, director of marketing communications at agencyEA Most businesses face sales downturns during the summer...
Christine Myers Certified VAApr 14, 20223 min read6 Satisfying Steps for Doing a Digital Spring CleaningWhen you do a spring cleaning , you should also include your digital devices This post tells you how.
Christine Myers Certified VADec 14, 20215 min readHow To Be Productive During The Holiday Season( guest post by Kiera Abbamonte When the holiday season rolls around, all filled with cheer, the nights may be silent, but the days are...
Christine MyersJun 10, 20212 min read The Importance of Planning Your Presentation When it comes to a presentation, there are so many ways that things can go other than you planned. In light of that fact, the importance...
Christine Myers Certified VAApr 21, 20212 min readWHAT IS THE HISTORY OF ADMINISTRATIVE PROFESSIONALS DAY?If you work at a business, (or run your own) you probably have administrative professionals who help your company (or yourself) run...
Christine Myers Certified VAAug 27, 20202 min readOffice Clutter: Chaos or a Sign You are a Genius?Is your office cluttered or neat? Did you know that each of these signals something? Find out what by reading this post
Christine Myers Certified VAAug 13, 20203 min readControl the Clutter, Control Your Destiny Running ragged and always feeling like you're behind in your work leads to clutter and chaos in the office. Think about your workday...