What did presenters do before there were computers? They put in a lot more work on their presentations, that’s for sure. Now that there are computers and software, creativity is enhanced and time can be spent on content creation. Here are some software solutions for your next presentation.

What Is There beyond PowerPoint?
When asked about slides, one used to think of little cardboard squares with printed film in the middle that were loaded into a round projector reel and placed on top of a projector. This was the way that slides were presented on screen. But, most people now don’t know about such early technology (primitive sounds way too old).
The mainstay as far as present-day slide presentation has always been Powerpoint® in the Microsoft Office™ suite. It’s like having a slide projector on your laptop. You can switch slides, edit them, create a timed slideshow, and more. Presenters the world over have used it for years and it works.
However, with technology making so many advances and consumers being able to partake of it, the audiences want more – and so do the ones crafting the presentations. While PowerPoint is still a standard, there are other software programs that can do the job in unique and interesting ways. Even though visual aids are there to do just that – “aid” a presentation – there is nothing wrong with taking the tech to the next level.
To PowerPoint and Beyond
What other software programs are available for your presentation needs? Here are just a few to get you interested.
1. Prezi® – This one has been around for a few years. Its genius lies in the fact that the presentation is seamless. It’s like watching one slide that keeps changing.
2. SlideShark™ – Used by sales professionals and others, they can share PowerPoint presentations anywhere. This is a platform rather than customizable software. (This is both a mobile app as well as an extension from the Chrome store)
3. Microsoft Movie Maker™ – When the visual is a video, you have the capability built-in on any PC you buy. Create and edit movies for presentations. (This program was part of a now-discontinued program, you can read it about here )
4. PowToon™ – For those who think out of the box, animated presentations are all the rage for conversational meetings and product videos. This software is easy to use even if you don’t know how to draw.
5. Keynote™ – Create customizable presentations using over 30 templates. Designed for Mac iOS systems.
6. Camtasia™ – This is also a video program that can be used to create videos for company training and product demonstrations.
7. emaze™ – Create better image visualization for presentations than with PowerPoint.
8. SlideShare® – You have probably heard of this one. Share audio and visual presentations on this platform. Unfortunately, you will have to create and edit the content using another software program. (This program was originally owned by LinkedIn but is now owned by Scribd. With this platform, you have the ability to embed your presentations to your website.
There are even more programs out there that may appeal to your visual needs for presentations. This is just an abridged list to get you started.