There’s Someone for Everyone
In the movie, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas,” the Grinch pushes forward with his idea to stop Christmas and steals the Whos' presents and decorations.
But nonetheless, Whoville comes together as a community to celebrate the true meaning of the holiday resulting in the Grinch’s heart growing three times the size, and he instead decides to save Christmas for the Whos'. All ends well, with the community forgiving the Grinch.
So many lessons to be learned here. One especially is, there’s really someone for everyone, especially in business. Face it; if the grumpy Grinch can capture the heart of the desirable Martha May and the forgiveness of the Whos', then there’s got to be a customer following for you and your business.
Bear with me. Think about some of the products and services out there. There are so many niche markets these days. People are selling Birdfy for your plants and Miss Rachel Speak and Sing for gift giving. If they can make it, you can, too.
You just need to be absolutely clear on who you are to your audience. Be decisive. If your business personality, for instance, is more “heart-centered” then your followers will probably resonate with that if they are too. If on the other hand, your style is to the point and without fluff then so be it. The people who appreciate that type of interaction will appreciate you. You just need to figure out your technique and style. The clearer you are yourself the easier it becomes to build your “tribe,” as Seth Godin calls it.
Don’t apologize for who you are. I’ve seen speakers say from the start of their presentation that they may not be for everyone. They are not apologizing but being honest by saying “this is me.” Your customers don’t want someone who is uncomfortable with themselves; they want to be led by someone who’s confident and embraces their uniqueness.
So, when the Grinch leaves Mt. Crumpet and his lonely existence he settles into the “real world” where he finds acceptance and love. You too need to be where the people are. Find where your “ideal tribe” hangs out. If they are on social media be on social media if they are at a local chamber meeting, go and attend.
Also, don’t let “authenticity” be an excuse for bad behavior. After all, there’s a difference between being transparent and honest, and being unpleasant. Even at the end of the movie, the Grinch softens a bit – without losing his Grinch-ness.
Remember, if the Grinch can find love…and a tribe, you can, too.
Happy Holidays everyone!
Taken from the blog found on
Wanda Baader is an online marketing expert, trainer, consultant, and serial entrepreneur. She works with entrepreneurs and small business owners who need help with social media, WordPress website development online branding.