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2 Simple Tips For Growing Your Email List As A Speaker

Taken from article by LeeAnn Marie Webster

At a recent mastermind meeting with fellow speakers, we were working on our business models and discussing how to leverage our opportunities. And speakers have a TON of opportunities. If you love speaking, then you have a fun, easy way to generate leads. EVERY time you are in front of a room.

Yet many speakers are so focused on getting the gig and prepping for the talk that they overlook a key opportunity. They deliver amazing content and have the audience excited about new possibilities, ready to take the next step...and then nothing happens.

Creating a follow up system is easy and it starts with collecting the email addresses of the attendees who want to take the next step. There are a variety of ways to do this, depending on the type of speaking engagement, size of the room, etc.

For more intimate engagements I recommend passing around a sign-up sheet, having them fill out a simple form, or collecting business cards. Just make sure you're clear on the sheet, form or in the call to action that you will be adding the email address provided to your mailing list.

For larger engagements try a text to join service. You've probably seen this at an event - you text a word to a phone number and get a reply asking for your email address. I like Join by Text, ( but check your email platform to see if this is part of your service package. Many speakers like this method because it's more automated.

The key is to think through an easy way to stay connected with that audience you worked so hard to get in front of. So, when you offer training or events or products of your own you already have a tribe of people who know, like and trust you and can't wait to work with you.

Plus, you are WAY more attractive as a speaker at a public event if you can also promote the event and help fill the audience.

If you need help sorting out what makes the most sense for you, I would love to connect. I LOVE helping speakers create strategies to leverage their speaking gigs. CLICK HERE to access my calendar. In just 30 minutes I can help you map out a call to action and system that will help you grow your email list and your client base!

LeeAnn Marie Webster is the creator of Email with H.E.A.R.T. She helps entrepreneurs build, grow and nurture their email lists through her programs Just Done It Weekend, Just Grow It Club, and Totally Telesummits. She is an inspirational speaker, lawyer, coach and entrepreneur with 20 years’ experience in marketing and business development in a range of industries. Contact LeeAnn: /

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