20 Tweets & Facebook Posts
Grow your Business
20 Tweets Or Facebook Posts Business Coaches Can Use To Grow Their Business
This free offer was created knowing that your most important focus is helping your clients. As a business owner you also need to keep and attract NEW clients. Using Social Media is an ideal way to get the word out about you and should be a key part of every business coach's marketing strategy.
Imagine the feeling of relief having social media posts ready to share with your followers in advance.
In this free offer you will find 20 different Tweets or Facebook Posts that you can use to promote your business coaching. They are already done for you, saving you some time as you plan your marketing calendar.
Here’s how to use your posts:
Only 20% of your posts should be about you and your coaching business. Mingle these in with other posts that are interesting, educational, engage others and are about your industry.
In each post, replace [INSERT LINK] with your website URL. Your followers can then click on the link and find out more about you through your website.
Depending on the length of your website URL, a few of the tweets may have to be shortened a little bit. Using a social media management tool like Hootsuite can keep track of the count and save you time since you are able to post to both Twitter and Facebook at the same time.
It’s that easy!
20 Tweets Or Facebook Posts Business Coaches Can Use To Grow Their Business
Not sure what’s holding you back? A business coach can offer an unbiased perspective and help you grow your sales and profits. [INSERT LINK]
Time is money. Are you making the most of yours? Business coaching can show you where to save and where to spend. [INSERT LINK]
Stop managing your team and start leading instead – business coaching can show you how. [INSERT LINK]
Cash flow got you down? Hire a business coach to identify potential opportunities to earn more money. [INSERT LINK]
Who holds you accountable to reach your goals? [INSERT LINK] Business coaching takes accountability to a whole new level. Achieve & prosper
Need a kick in the pants? [INSERT LINK] The right business coach can help you create a highly effective and motivating action plan.
Do you know who your audience really is and what they want or need? A business coach can help you gain clarity and prosperity. [INSERT LINK]
Coaching helps you and your team achieve more - when you achieve more the entire company achieves more – Coaching produces measurable results. [INSERT LINK]
Set goals, strategize, take action, measure your results and refine – the coaching process makes business more powerful and profitable [INSERT LINK]
Ready for more time, money, and fun with less stress? [INSERT LINK] A business coach can change your world by streamlining your systems.
Business coaching can grow your business by holding you accountable for the goals you have set for growth [INSERT LINK].
A business coach can offer you a view of the Big Picture of your business you may have been missing [INSERT LINK].
Learning to strike a balance between work and life is one benefit to hiring a business coach [INSERT LINK].
Business coaches define action items to help you move forward with achievement of your business goals [INSERT LINK].
Truly define where you want to see your business moving in the next 5 or 10 years by employing business coaching services [INSERT LINK].
A business coach will tell you what you need to hear not what you want to hear when it comes to steering your business ship [INSERT LINK].
A business coach can offer you the benefit of years of business experience for finding solutions to your current situation [INSERT LINK].
Mapping out a plan for business success is easier with two heads especially when one of them is a business coach [INSERT LINK].
Business coaching can lead to more effective communication skills within your business organization [INSERT LINK].
A business coach’s job is to teach you how to think not what to think in order to solve your business problems [INSERT LINK].
Ready to take the next step to increase your visibility and reach more of your ideal clients, both online and at in-person events?